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2011年6月13日 星期一

How to Identify the 1st Signs of Pregnancy

Every woman is unique. The same is true for every pregnancy. No two pregnancies are alike, even for the same woman. What may affect or be a symptom in one pregnant woman may not be the same in another, and vice versa.

There are some women who say they just "feel" and "know" exactly the moment when they become pregnant. And then there are others who don't know or feel they might be pregnant, some not experiencing recognizable symptoms even up until the point of a very unexpected and surprising delivery of a baby they didn't know they were carrying. Truly, there is a wide assortment of pregnancy signs and symptoms, making it rather difficult for women to use one common, or even a few common signs and symptoms to identify the start of a pregnancy.

Aside from going to the doctor to take a pregnancy test, which is by far the most generally accepted way to establish a pregnancy, understanding the female body and the changes it undergoes while pregnant can help one pick up on subtle clues that might indicate a pregnancy.

For women who have normal menstrual cycles, a missed period is a tattletale sign of pregnancy. But for others with irregular periods, a missed period or a late menstruation is of no concern. Spotting that is associated with implantation of the fertilized egg may resemble a light period, and cause a woman to dismiss the thought of a possible pregnancy. A missed or late period can be the result of many other things including change in diet, medication, stress. Therefore, the lack of a period may be a symptom of early pregnancy for some but not others.

Another big sign of potential pregnancy is changes in the breasts. Changes in a woman's breasts often indicate a change in the body, especially changes related to child bearing. Early in the beginning stages of pregnancy, the breasts undergo important changes, telling the body that something is happening. They begin to feel tender to the touch and some become painful and overly sensitive to stimuli. However, this alone is not solid proof of a pregnancy because the same changes are experienced in a menstrual cycle. Some women have a sensitivity to certain foods or medications that can facilitate changes in the breast as well.

Morning sickness is another sign of early pregnancy and is often exhibited by nausea and vomiting. It is a classic pregnancy symptom in which a woman will suddenly experience a severe aversion to the scent or taste of food that previously had no effect upon her before. It also occurs any time of the day but it can sometimes be easily resolved with a few saltine crackers and luke warm glass of water.

Another sign of early pregnancy is extreme tiredness. Normal activities that didn't wear a woman out before suddenly do after she's become pregnant. She might even find it hard to keep her eyes upon or insist she needs a nap in the afternoon or evening. Some women experience increased trips to the bathroom while others report feelings of bloating or cramping that resembles discomfort from menstruation. These are all common signs of early pregnancy, but are not definitive alone because tiredness or nausea or frequent urination and belly cramps can easily be associated with a number of other health concerns.

The early signs, the first signs, of pregnancy are a combination of personal experiences that go hand in hand with subtle changes in the body. A simple pregnancy text at home or the doctor's office remains the most credible and recognizable way to confirm a pregnancy and help ensure that the symptoms of missed periods, breast tenderness, nausea, fatigue and other similar things are indeed pregnancy related and not the result of some other medical issue.

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2011年6月12日 星期日

Fact Plus Total Pregnancy Plus/Minus Test Stick (3 Tests)

Fact Plus Total Pregnancy Plus/Minus Test Stick (3 Tests)INDICATIONS: Easy to Use: Place absorbent end in urine stream for at least 3 seconds. Convenient: Use any time of day, as early as first day of missed period.

Price: $15.99

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2011年6月11日 星期六

Common First Signs of Pregnancy

Pregnancy can be quite frightening. Knowing what symptoms are normal can help ease your worries. What are the common initial signs of pregnancy that most new mothers experience?

A Drop In Cycle - One of the first signs of potential pregnancy is a change in your menstruation cycle. Brief or temporary bleeding in amounts that you're not normally used to during your period can also be a positive indication of pregnancy.

Pain - Any unusual prolonged pain especially in the back area can be your body's signal that you're expecting. Believe it or not backaches are a normal occurrence when a woman is with child. There is slight tension being forced on the spine due to the growth of the unborn baby.

Stomach Issues - A vast amount of women experience episodes of constipation during gestation. This happens because of hormonal imbalances in the body and enlargement in the size of the uterus. The formed uterus presses along the bowels creating constipation.

Variation In Skin Color Around The Nipple - Whenever the shade of the areola becomes darker then it's normal color you may be pregnant. The most common signs of pregnancy occurs within exactly one week of conception.

Tiredness - A sudden overwhelming sense of exhaustion and lack of energy can appear anywhere from the first to the sixth week of pregnancy continuing until actual birth.

Persistent Urination - Women who are pregnant often experience the urge to frequently go to the bathroom. Round-the-clock urination takes place during the first through eighth week of pregnancy. It's usually a result of changes in the hormones combined with the stress along the bladder due to the developing fetus. Frequent urination is a very common initial symptom of being with child.

Queasiness - Most women refer to this symptom as morning sickness. It's one of the most recognizable signs of pregnancy. Developing around the second through the tenth week of gestation. It can vary depending on the woman. Some women have gone through several pregnancies without experiencing one day of morning sickness while others always had episodes of it.

Tenderness Of Breasts - During pregnancy breast size increases dramatically and become sore to the touch. Slight aching or pain can be felt in some cases. This is just your body preparing itself for when breast feeding is needed.

If you'd like to learn more about the early signs of pregnancy all the way through breast feeding, you can find excellent tips and other resources for a comfortable pregnancy by clicking here or visit

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2011年6月10日 星期五

The Possible Deception: An Early Sign of Pregnancy

Many have heard a lot on an early sign of pregnancy. Some hold true, while others may be exaggerations. Add the fact that no two ever experience exactly the same early sign of pregnancy. The best way to be closer to sure would be taking a pregnancy test. Today you have many choices for affordable home pregnancy tests as well. What follows are a few other explanations for what could be an early sign of pregnancy.

Early Sign of Pregnancy

1. The number one most deceptive early sign of pregnancy would have to be the missed period. There are many other explanations for this symptom that can often apply. Among the reasons besides pregnancy can include acute psychological stress, overproduction of progesterone and estrogen hormones, among other causes that can delay or stop this natural process. There are many reasons that ovulation cycles can come out balance.

2. Morning sickness is another early sign of pregnancy that can be false. Many have gone through this at different stages and turned out not pregnant. The more legitimate cases often occur at the 4-6 week mark; however even then it is far from a 100% sign of pregnancy. Others have legitimately experienced morning sickness at other times as well. Other causes can include common illnesses such as the flu, dietary imbalances, stress, among many other digestive disorders.

3. Strange food cravings are another early sign of pregnancy that have turned out false at times. Often among them can be even strange delicacies such as peanut butter and banana sandwiches, as well as pickles and ice-cream. These are signs of dietary concerns that can be results of pregnancy but not exclusively. Outside of pregnancy, they are often associated with acute short-falls of vitamin and mineral intake for the body. The craving in this case results with foods that contain these.

4. There are a number of other symptoms of early pregnancy that have been seen. Swelling, changes in normal routine physical aspects and so on. These can also be signs of other serious conditions such as cancer, diabetes, degenerative bodily imbalances, among other lesser conditions. Pregnant or otherwise it's wise to consult your physician.

Phantom Pregnancies are a mix of several signs of early pregnancy where there is in fact no pregnancy. This happens to some that are extremely set on having a baby though haven't yet. This strong want can cause one sign or more to seem to happen. Morning sickness, missed period, and most of the rest have been known to occur within a phantom pregnancy.

All the information here on the possible deception of an early sign of pregnancy is just a short list. There are a number of other signs that people find deceptive as well. The best way to be sure is to have a pregnancy test, and see what the results are there. Follow-up with a doctor after home tests is wise as well as better early care can lead to a healthier family in the long run.

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Sign of Pregnancy - the Unmistakable Symptoms

The classic early sign of pregnancy is nausea that refuses to subside, the missed periods and achy feeling all over. Some women start feeling very hungry while some baulk at the sight of food. There is no checklist to determine the early sign of pregnancy as all the pregnancies differ from one to another. If you look closely your body tells you all signs of pregnancy long before the medical pregnancy tests confirms it.

Sign of pregnancy

There are several symptoms and signs of pregnancy experienced fairly early, even before the missed periods stage. Nearly all women go through it. Some women may overlook it, as they are not able to distinguish the early signs of pregnancy from similar health problems. While some women immediately sense the abrupt change in their body and take precaution. Some of these early signs of pregnancy are:

General fatigue: You may notice that you feel tired, fatigued and lack of energy. A feeling of laziness engulfs with no apparent cause. This fatigue is the result of change in hormones and body chemistry as it prepares it self to welcome a new life. The fatigue starts soon after conception and is generally the first and foremost sign of pregnancy. Do not resort to pep pills but instead get into the bed and sleep till later. Work off fatigue with short naps and relaxation as and when you feel low.

Tenderness of breasts: Raging hormones cause tenderness in the breasts, swelling and soreness soon after conception. Many women ignore this symptom associating it with PMS syndrome. Change in the breast is one of the early sign of pregnancy and stays till end of the pregnancy. It is the nature's way to prepare a woman for impending motherhood and nurturing of the baby.

Slight spotting before periods: It is a rare but important sign of pregnancy and happens before your due period date. This spotting or light bleeding or a pink vaginal discharge occurs when the fertilized egg implants itself in the uterus.

While nausea, missed periods and general aches and pains are the sure signs of pregnancy in early stages. It is best to record these body changes and early signs of pregnancy in a pregnancy journal. The journal records your experiences, feelings and thoughts that can be shared with family or friends either for their benefit or for enjoying your happy moments. A pregnancy journal has a way of taking away your attention from general pains and aches to make you a happier person.

Once the pregnancy is confirmed maintain a weekly pregnancy calendar to record the growth and progress of the embryo to babyhood. This also helps in keeping track of your due date, baby's development and mother's health starting from the day you discover the first sign of pregnancy.

Apurva Shree is the online editor of free pregnancy information resource She has developed this site to provide valuable information on early pregnancy symptoms and useful methods to enjoy your pregnancy period and the ways in which you welcome your new world of motherhood. is your free resource that not only provides information on early pregnancy symptoms but the other aspects of pregnancy too.

2011年6月9日 星期四

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Reading Early Signs of Pregnancy

For those who are waiting to become pregnant, any and all signs suddenly become pregnancy related. As we watch our bodies with a vigilance never previously experienced, we become unofficial experts on the early signs of pregnancy - each somewhat abnormal behavior we exhibit suddenly telling the story of a pregnancy.

There are many early signs of pregnancy; unfortunately many of these signs can also be attributed to other things. The only way to know for sure if you are pregnant is to see a doctor. Early home pregnancy tests are also incredibly accurate and can be purchased over-the-counter at most retail drug outlets. If you are experiencing any early signs of pregnancy, take an early pregnancy test as soon as possible.

One of the early signs of pregnancy is fatigue. Most pregnant women will tell you that a "pregnant" tired is like a tired they have never experienced before or after. But if you are trying to become pregnant or have never been pregnant before then exhaustion caused by stress, sickness, or lack of sleep can seem like one of the early signs of pregnancy.

Breast tenderness is also one of the early signs of pregnancy. A newly pregnant body will begin to ready itself for motherhood almost immediately. The breasts will begin to change and grow as they prepare for milk production. However, breast tenderness can also be a sign of impending menstruation as well as a number of other conditions.

Additionally, nausea and vomiting are also early signs of pregnancy that women experience in the first trimester. While these signs can also be contributed to stomach illness, if they are persistent and timely then they are often early signs of pregnancy. Some women may also experience strange food cravings - even early on in pregnancy. Foods that they never would have thought of eating are suddenly irresistible.

No matter what you experience or do not experience as your early signs of pregnancy, it is imperative that you see a doctor if you suspect that you are pregnant. Early prenatal care will go a long way towards protecting the health of you and your baby.

For easy to understand, in depth information about pregnancy visit our ezGuide 2 Pregnancy.

2011年6月8日 星期三

Early Sign Of Pregnancy - Learn More

A missed period is a definite early sign of pregnancy but even before you miss any period there are so many other early sign of the pregnancy that can tell you whether or not you are pregnant. However, the problem with most of the early sign of pregnancy is that are similar to what you may observe before the arrival of the period. Determining whether you are pregnant or not with the help of the early sign of pregnancy without any pregnancy test is just like solving a difficult puzzle. It is not compulsory that every single women experience every early sign of pregnancy. However, it is also unlikely that you do not experience any one of them.

Swollen Breasts Along With Tenderness

Tenderness of the breast is an early sign of pregnancy that starts appearing very early immediately after the conception. This early pregnancy symptom tell us that body has started naturally preparing itself for the arrival and feeding of the child. According to the experts of the pregnancy health and the pregnancy journal you should not make the mistake of linking it with the pre menstrual symptoms because during pregnancy sometimes you may experience swollen breasts instead of the tenderness in the breast.

Feeling Less Energetic

If you are feeling tiredness and are not feeling that much energetic as you normally used to be then this may also be an early sign of pregnancy. In these kinds of circumstances most of the women make the mistake of linking this tiredness and lack of energetic feeling with the other things happening around them, while, in reality this is an early sign of pregnancy. There are several factors responsible for this tiredness. Some of them are change in the hormones, chemistry of the body and the activity that the body of any woman needs to do at the time of the conception. If you are experiencing this kind of fatigue then it is better to take more sleep.

Nausea, Increase In Appetite

Nausea is a distinctive early sign of pregnancy. Here again people make the mistake of associating it with the food poisoning, stomach flu or anything similar to this. If the nausea continues and does not subside then one must assume that she is pregnant. Many women also feel increased hunger as compared to when they were not pregnant. This is very much natural process because the body requires more nutrition for the growth and development of the embryo. On the contrary some of the women may feel a complete loss of the appetite. In some cases the women may complaint of lost appetite or increased appetite on different days varying with the other early pregnancy symptom.

Apurva Shree is the online editor of free pregnancy information resource She has developed this site to provide valuable information on early pregnancy symptoms and useful methods to enjoy your pregnancy period and the ways in which you welcome your new world of motherhood. is your free resource that not only provides information on early pregnancy symptoms but the other aspects of pregnancy too.

2011年6月7日 星期二

Lupus Causes, Symptoms, Signs, Diagnosis and Treatments

Lupus Causes, Symptoms, Signs, Diagnosis and TreatmentsThis booklet is for people who have systemic lupus erythematosus, commonly called SLE or lupus, as well as for their family and friends and others who want to better understand the disease. The booklet describes the disease and its symptoms and contains information about diagnosis and treatment as well as current research efforts supported by the National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases (NIAMS) and other components of the Department of Health and Human Services' National Institutes of Health (NIH). It also discusses issues such as health care, pregnancy, and quality of life for people with lupus. If you have further questions after reading this booklet, you may wish to discuss them with your doctor.

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Very Early Signs of Pregnancy Can Be Misleading!

Spotting the very early signs of pregnancy can become an obsession if you are trying for a baby. But this is where you have to control you excitement. These signs can easily be confused with other normal ailments.

Care must be taken when identifying the very early signs of pregnancy so you do not get ahead of yourself. By looking at what other meanings these symptoms could be perhaps we can reduce any false diagnosis and heartache in the process.

So what are the very early signs of pregnancy and what else could the signs mean? Well here is a list of many of the symptoms and their alternative diagnosis.

Missing your Period

This can start immediate alarm bells ringing, and is usually a clear sign of pregnancy. But have you missed your period or is it just late or different?

-Explanations for this could be due to fatigue, tension or stress, hormonal changes or due to excessive weight loss or weight gain. Other explanation can be due to stopping the birth control pill.

Implantation bleeding

This can occur between 6 to 12 days after conception and is due to the embryo implanting itself in the uterine wall. Spotting can occur as well as cramping.

-However this could again be due to a change in use of the birth control pill, it could be menstruation or changes in menstruation, intercourse or an infection.

Sensitive or swollen breast

This symptom can occur one to two weeks after conception with sensitivity in the breast area, feelings of swollen or sore breast are not uncommon.

-Other reasons for this may be due to imminent menstruation, a hormonal changes or birth control pills.

Morning Sickness

Contrary to popular belief, morning sickness can occur all through the day, not just in the morning! This is a symptom that is instantly recognizable and can occur between 2 and 8 weeks after conception. It is a symptom that is not common to all women, some women are lucky enough not feel any nausea.

-As the symptom of morning sickness is nausea, you can imagine how many illnesses can cause this. 24hr bugs, flu, upset stomach, food poisoning etc can all mirror morning sickness symptoms.

Fatigue or tiredness

This can be a very early sign of pregnancy and start in the week after conception! This symptom can be hard for pregnant women to disguise with their busy day to day lives.

-Again this can easily be explained as other ailments such as the common cold or flu symptoms. Similarly depression or stress can promote these symptoms to name but a few.


The very early signs of pregnancy can be due to hormonal changes in the body leading to headaches.

-But again, there are simple explanations for this such as dehydration, caffeine, eye strain or even imminent menstruation.

Food cravings

These are a common symptom of the very early signs of pregnancy, but also a common symptom of being hungry! However many women experience food cravings, a method for the body to increase its intake of certain vitamins and minerals. Food cravings can occur all the way through the pregnancy.

-Other reason for food cravings can be hunger, inadequate diet, poor nutrition, depression or again imminent menstruation.

Frequent urination

Although not specifically one of the very early signs of pregnancy, frequent urination is due to the changes occurring inside your body. This may start around 6 to 8 weeks after conception.

-However this may also be due to diabetes or a urinary tract infection or even excessive liquid intake.


Very early signs of pregnancy can include backache and can continue throughout the whole pregnancy.

-Other reasons for backache can be related to existing back problems, stress or again even imminent menstruation.

With so many symptoms that can be explained in many other ways it can be hard to spot the very early signs of pregnancy. Take care when self-diagnosing, in this case it is always better to be sure before announcing to the world your pregnancy.

Take care and good luck with your diagnosis.

I hope this information helps women understand the early signs and prevents any false alarms. If you would like further advice on spotting the early signs of pregnancy then please feel free to take a look at my page on the very early signs of pregnancy.

2011年6月5日 星期日

Why Bright Kids Get Poor Grades: And What You Can Do About It

Why Bright Kids Get Poor Grades: And What You Can Do About ItMillions of gifted children with average, above-average, or even gifted abilities--including those from homes where education is valued--simply do not perform up to their capabilities. This is what Dr. Sylvia Rimm terms underachievement syndrome.

Now Dr. Rimm offers desperately needed help for parents of underachieving children. Drawing on both clinical research and years of experience counseling families, she has developed a "Trifocal Model" to help parents and teachers work together to get students back on track. It is effective for both average and gifted students, from preschool through college. Dr. Rimm spells out a practical, six-step program that really works. If you are the parent or teacher of an underachiever, don't give up--get this book.

Price: $15.00

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2011年6月4日 星期六

Early Signs of Pregnancy - Could You Be Pregnant?

The symptoms of pregnancy can different from pregnancy to pregnancy and from woman to woman as well. Of course, some of the symptoms are pretty common. It is definitely important that you understand these signs because some of them can be related to another health problem. While some women develop these signs in a week or so, others may not ever notice them. Are you wondering if you are pregnant? Here is a look at some of the most common signs that may make you want to go ahead and buy that pregnancy test to find out for sure if you're really expecting a baby.

Implantation Bleeding:

One thing that can happen that may be a sign you are expecting is implantation bleeding. This is a symptom that occurs early on and usually it occurs from 6-12 days after conception has occurred. This occurs in many cases when the embryo is implanted into the wall of the uterus. Of course, there can be other explanations for this as well, such as abrasion, menstruation, changes in birth control, or even infection.

Changes or Delay in Menstruation:

Probably the most common thing that may show that a woman is pregnant is the delay of menstruation. Usually women miss the period right after getting pregnant. Some women can still bleed, but usually it is light and short, much different than a normal period. There are other things that can cause you to miss a period though, such as hormonal issues, stress, weight loss or gain, fatigue, and more. If you're not pregnant, see a doctor.

Low Back Pain:

In some cases, women may end up starting to deal with low back pain when they are in the first weeks of pregnancy. Of course, this pain may continue on throughout the rest of the pregnancy as well. Low back pain can also be a sign of other serious problems, so find out if you are pregnant and see a doctor if you are not.

Cravings of Certain Foods:

Cravings of certain foods is one of the early signs of pregnancy. You may have a particular food that you really are craving, which may let you know you are pregnant. Some women have particular cravings on through the rest of their pregnancy as well. If you are not pregnant, this can be caused by stress, lack of particular nutrients, and poor diets.

These are only a few of the early signs of pregnancy that you may experience. Many others exist as well and each woman may experience things a little differently. If you are dealing with some of these symptoms, it may be a good idea to get a pregnancy test or see your doctor to see if you are pregnant. If you aren't pregnant, you could be dealing with other medical issues, so it's important that you let your doctor know about the issues that you are experiencing. If you are pregnant, congratulations. You'll make it through the next few months and soon enjoy being a new mum.

For further information regarding early signs of pregnancy visit Emma's Diary.

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2011年6月3日 星期五

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  • 2011年6月1日 星期三