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2011年3月19日 星期六

Symptoms of pregnancy-Happy Times come knocking!

When a woman is expected to pregnant music of patient wait im ly for early signs pregnancy 's to appear. The pregnancy scars are not the same for everyone and vary from woman to woman, no two pregnancies are the same. In some women these symbols appear immediately after the arrest, some take a few weeks to appear. You should be able to track changes in your body are able to notice the symptoms and then get them confirmed.

As a woman's body and conceives a foetus starts growing inside it, hormonal levels and increase due to some widespread changes appear in the body. Let's have a look at some of these changes.


missing Periods: a missed period is the most important classic symbol. Although you may experience cramping back pain and lower as periodically, the actual duration may be missing.

Around the time of year, some pregnancy female festive period, which will be held the gonimopoieitai getting implanted in the uterus. This takes the form of discharge resembling a mild period.

: morning sickness Nausea or is another early pregnancy signal. This may or may not be followed by vomiting. Some women confuse food poisoning. This must be checked as it happens.

Improved sensitivity of odour and taste: this is also a very classic pregnancy symbol of some women experience high sensitivity to certain smells and gives off unusual odour, and develops keen for certain foodstuffs.

: fatigue, dizziness Nausea and vomiting pregnant prevent women from eating well, leading to dizziness, lipothymia sometimes too. Also you may experience excessive fatigue and tiredness. This is due to higher levels of hormones and the Organization of working hard to adapt to new conditions.

Changes breast in s: in breast s may appear swollen and enlarged and feel sore and tender. This is another common pregnancy symbol. There is, in General, from the first week of the idea itself.

more frequent urination and constipation: the growing uterus presses the urinary Add er bl, so frequent urination occurs during pregnancy 's. The slow metabolism and lack of fibrous diet results in constipation.

Other pregnancy symptoms of headache, , low back pain, cramps, change the hue, and weight loss etc., which are looking for.

You must ask the home pregnancy test is followed by clinical confirmation, once you experience any symptoms. Approach your doctor who will monitor every week and give prescriptions as and when required. Set a health fact y, eat balanced diet, take light exercise and is pleasant and positive during pregnancy you. The pregnancy scars is an indication of happy hours with the arrival of a new life!

signs of pregnancy is a joy for a couple. If you read an early diagnosis and symptoms of pregnancy, you're better prepared to handle the joy and highlights from the period of pregnancy. For more on pregnancy symptoms and pregnancy, other information, visit pregnancy-Period.Com

