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2011年6月5日 星期日

Why Bright Kids Get Poor Grades: And What You Can Do About It

Why Bright Kids Get Poor Grades: And What You Can Do About ItMillions of gifted children with average, above-average, or even gifted abilities--including those from homes where education is valued--simply do not perform up to their capabilities. This is what Dr. Sylvia Rimm terms underachievement syndrome.

Now Dr. Rimm offers desperately needed help for parents of underachieving children. Drawing on both clinical research and years of experience counseling families, she has developed a "Trifocal Model" to help parents and teachers work together to get students back on track. It is effective for both average and gifted students, from preschool through college. Dr. Rimm spells out a practical, six-step program that really works. If you are the parent or teacher of an underachiever, don't give up--get this book.

Price: $15.00

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