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2011年5月31日 星期二

The Beginning - The First Signs Of Pregnancy

The first signs of pregnancy in first-time mothers may be a cause of concern for them. More often than not, they may not be sure if they are pregnant at all. Another problem is that a woman may not have all the first pregnancy symptoms. Besides, the first signs of pregnancy are very different from what you undergo as your pregnancy week by week grows in each trimester.

The Very First Signs Of Pregnancy That Can Be Misleading

Periods: 'Missed period' is the very first sign for a woman to know whether she is pregnant or not. However, the problem here is that not every period missed is because of pregnancy. Irregularity in menstrual cycle is also observed due to stress and over-tiredness. Moreover, in some cases, periods continue albeit lightly, even after pregnancy for one or two months. This first sign of pregnancy because of their unawareness may mislead women who are pregnant for the first time. Breasts: Another apparent symptom for the first sign of pregnancy is tender or swollen breasts, with tingling sensation that occur immediately after conception. However, this symptom may be the result of the side-effects of some birth control pills or PMS, the breast changes may not be taken as a definite indicator of pregnancy. Morning sickness: Morning sickness is another first sign of pregnancy. Though it is called morning sickness, it may come at any time during the day. Usually, it comes for two to eight weeks after becoming pregnant. However, there may be other possible causes for the illness like food poisoning, infection etc. Excess urination: It has been medically found that women immediately after conceiving urinate frequently. This is also one of the first signs of pregnancy. However, there are other causes for excessive urination as well like diuretics, urinary infection, diabetes, or even tension. Fetal Heart Beat: The point here is none of the above first signs of pregnancy may be a definite indicator or proof for a woman to confirm herself about her pregnancy, more so in the case of first time pregnant women. Having said all the above, it must be mentioned here that the first confirmed proof of pregnancy comes in the form of the first fetal heart beat, that is audible to the woman during the first ten to twenty weeks [in ultrasound]. This along with the any one of the above pregnancy symtoms viz., missed period, breast changes, morning sickness, frequent urination may conclusively confirm that a woman is 'carrying' (her baby).

The first signs of pregnancy may be a new experience for first-timers, while they may mislead or confuse others.

The first signs of pregnancy disappear as you progress every month in your pregnancy week by week. First time pregnant women need to know the pregnancy symptom to confirm whether they are pregnant or not.

Early Signs of Pregnancy - The Top 10 Signs That You Might Be Pregnant

A huge portion of the medical industry is dedicated to helping women determine when they are pregnant. However, did you know that without a test there are physical signs that will give you an indication that you are pregnant? About a week after you have conceived you can start to notice some of the early signs of pregnancy that your body is going through as your hormone levels start to shift, and these signs can be a great indicator that in about nine months you will have a bundle of joy arriving.


During pregnancy you can expect to not have your menstrual period, but it is not uncommon to experience some slight spotting after conception. Their is a difference in the shade of the bleeding. Normal menstrual blood is more reddish, but blood from spotting is much more pink or brown and not at all heavy.

Frequent Urination

There are jokes about pregnant women always racing to the bathroom, but this is more than just a joke. If you suddenly experience frequent trips to the bathroom it may be an early sign of pregnancy. This is one of the first changes that you may see because your body is suddenly producing more HCG or human chorionic gonadotropin which can lead you to need to urinate more frequently.

Feeling Hot

Many women may not even realize that their body temperature traditionally rise during ovulation, but when you become pregnant your body may stay at that warmer temperature. So, if you notice that your body is warmer than normal it may be an indication of something else.

Period Free

Perhaps one of the most dramatic indications of pregnancy is when a woman misses a menstrual period. However, do not be fooled, there are often other reason that you could miss a period, but if you are someone who has a very regular cycle a missed cycle may be an early sign of pregnancy.


Though you may not be experiencing a menstrual period you can still experience cramps. These cramps are actually uterine cramps, and they are quite common during the early stages of pregnancy. These cramps can be triggered by any type of physical movement so if you experience these often you may want to pay just a bit of attention to them.


When a woman conceives she is now supporting another life form. Additionally her body is experiencing dramatic hormone swings both of which can lead to significant fatigue. Traditionally as you progress through your pregnancy your body will begin to adjust and your energy levels will return.

Morning Sickness

Nausea is a common early sign of pregnancy. However, the truth is that only 5 out of 10 pregnant women deal with morning sickness during their pregnancy. But do not be confused by the term morning sickness. The nausea that you can experience during the early stages of pregnancy can happen at any point during the day.


Your breasts will soon become a food source for you new baby and they are almost instantly affected by conception. Typically due to the new hormone levels you will experienced increased tenderness in this area. Again, as your body adjusts to the new hormone levels this will fade, but in the early stages you can use it to help you recognize the fact that you are expecting.

Color Changing

Your breasts may experience more than just an increase in sensitivity. Additionally your areolae may start to change color. It is quite common that they start to darken as your hormones swing due to your new pregnancy.


One area that you may not realize will change is how your bowels will deal with your new pregnancy. Do not be alarmed with this early sign of pregnancy as they will return to normal as your body progresses through its pregnancy.

Would you like more information on pregnancy and the early signs of pregnancy visit Sunnie's Site for all the info you need! Click Here For Sunnie's Site. While there download your FREE REPORT "A Guys Guide To The Delivery Room".

2011年5月30日 星期一

Always Kiss Me Good Night: Instructions on Raising the Perfect Parent by 147 Kids Who Know

Always Kiss Me Good Night: Instructions on Raising the Perfect Parent by 147 Kids Who KnowIn the best-selling tradition of Kids Say the Darndest Things and Really Important Stuff My Kids Have Taught Me, this warm and funny book offers 147 truly wise parenting tips in the words and handwriting of kids who don't always know how to spell, but always know what they need.

If kids came with an instruction manual, this would be it -- a clever and poignant collection of suggestions, observations and reminders to parents from the experts themselves (kids 6-12).??Organized into three sections:??(Love and Caring, Family and Friends, and Guidance and Independence), these one- or two-line requests will bring a smile to your face, a lump to your throat, and a renewed sense of confidence that you can give your kids the love and support they deserve.

Price: $8.95

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Sign of Pregnancy - Keep Your Spirits High

It's important to not let the sign of pregnancy or early sign of pregnancy bog you down. Keep yourself mentally and physically fit to bear up with all the changes. And a weekly pregnancy calendar can help reduce your anxiety a lot.

The moment you notice the first sign of pregnancy like nausea, breast tenderness or the like, you rush to get a medical test done. And when pregnancy is confirmed, you feel unmatched joy. However, in truth, joy is not the only feeling you experience. You are most likely to feel a wide range of emotions - elation, apprehension, anxiety and so on. As a matter of fact, some women may find coping with early signs of pregnancy or the early bodily changes difficult. Here are a few tips on keeping yourself in good temper and mood.

Share Your Joys And Anxieties

Don't confine yourself after noticing the signs of pregnancy. Rather, even if you are an introvert, try to discuss them with your partner, family members, and friends. Even when your pregnancy is confirmed, share your joy with all the people who are close to you. Speak about the coming days to them and discuss the likely changes and precautions to be taken. This will definitely ease your mind.

Try Meditation

Meditation is a wonderful stress buster. You are likely to need something like meditation because of the raging hormones inside you. Apart from other bodily changes, they also bring on mood swings and irritability. Therefore, try meditation during the very early days, when you first notice the early signs of pregnancy. If you are able to do it even for a limited time, go ahead and make it a routine throughout your pregnancy. It will most likely make those nine months extremely smooth for you. Get a good book on meditation for guidance or browse the net for more information.

Get Mild Exercise

Go for a walk every day. It would help you get some fresh air and cope with indigestion, heartburn, constipation, and hemorrhoids. Also, consult your obstetrician for a diet schedule. However, avoid walking too fast or taking heavy exercise. You can also give yoga a try during pregnancy. It can help you stay fit during your entire pregnancy as well as have an easy labor. Make sure you don't do it yourself. Get a good instructor for you instead.

Pregnancy Calendar

It's a pretty good idea to get a pregnancy calendar. It will keep you updated about the status of baby's growth and various pregnancy symptoms.

Don't Hesitate To Visit A Psychologist

In case you are unable to cope with the pregnancy related issues, it's best to visit a psychologist. It's no use to keep on struggling with what is proving to be too much for you to handle. Leave it to the experts. They will counsel and guide you to deal with it all.

Remember preparing yourself mentally for the pregnancy period should commence as early as possible. The moment you notice the first sign of pregnancy, you must put in all your efforts to have a hassle free pregnancy period.

Your psychological state of mind is vital for the health and well being of your unborn baby. When you witness signs of pregnancy, take extra care to keep yourself in high spirits and try to do things you like most. These pregnancy symptoms are the indicator of your exciting journey into a new world of motherhood. Visit Signs Of Pregnancy [] for the important information about pregnancy health, early pregnancy symptoms, pregnancy week by week stages and early sign of pregnancy.

2011年5月29日 星期日

Playstation Nation: Protect Your Child from Video Game Addiction

Playstation Nation: Protect Your Child from Video Game AddictionAuthors Olivia and Kurt Bruner give parents what they need to know to save their kids from addiction to video games--before and after exposure.

One out of five kids becomes addicted to computer and video games, which are becoming increasingly more violent and are linked to violent and self-destructive behavior. The video industry continues to raise its revenue projections (expected to reach $33 billion by 2008) with the creation of newer, more advanced, and more addictive games, putting more children at risk. Spurred on by the patterns of addiction they saw developing in their own son, Olivia and Kurt Bruner arm other parents with hard facts about addiction and share personal stories of video game addicts to help parents identify the warning signs in their own children.

Price: $12.99

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2011年5月28日 星期六

Very Early Signs of Pregnancy - Learn the 5 Early Signs of Pregnancy

Very early signs of pregnancy - let's talk about signs that can indicate that you or someone you know is pregnant. Keep in mind that some women exhibit no signs of pregnancy until they their belly is showing, while for others, symptoms - both pleasant and unpleasant begin very early.

Let's get started with our 5 signs:

Missed Period

This is probably the most obvious sign. If you have a regular 28-day menstrual cycle and are in tune with your body, you will probably know as soon as you miss your period. For someone who is trying to conceive, it is certainly a possible indicator. However if you are someone who has an irregular menstrual cycle, chances are that this very early sign of pregnancy may not clue you into what is happening.

Increased Urination

Believe it or not, this early sign can show up right away. This is due to the increase of blood supply in the reproductive region of a women's body. After conception, a woman's body immediately begins the process of getting ready to house a growing baby. This can include movement of the uterus which may cause pressure on the bladder.


Some women mistake cramping as an in indication of an impending period, however cramping sensations can also indicate that newly created embryo is undergoing the implantation process in the woman's uterus. This is a very early sign of pregnancy that does go away once the implantation is complete (and is replaced by later signs of pregnancy).


Changes to a pregnant woman's body can cause hormonal shifts that can cause nausea and vomiting as early as three weeks. The good news is that if you do experience nausea associated with pregnancy, your body's hormonal balance has settled by about week twelve. It is fairly uncommon for a pregnant woman to experience nausea after week twelve.

Tenderness of the nipples and breasts

This is another very early pregnancy sign. It can also be attributed to the intense hormonal shift that a pregnant woman's body undergoes. It is a sign that the body is already getting ready for breastfeeding which doesn't occur until after the baby is delivered.

Click here to learn more about very early signs of pregnancy, body changes during pregnancy and keeping your body fit from pregnancy through childbirth.

2011年5月27日 星期五

Know the 1st Signs of Pregnancy

The first signs of pregnancy can be confused with a number of different things because they are so similar to ailments like colds, and some of the signs can be pretty scary if you don't know what to look for. This is why it's important to have a good understanding of the signs of pregnancy as they will help ease you mind of an ailment and help to guide you in having a check up and starting prenatal care. Some of the most common signs of pregnancy in the early stages include:

1. Nausea

When nausea is present in the morning especially after drinking liquids or eating, but then subside after a couple of hours, there is a chance of pregnancy. Nausea that occurs for a day or two is not necessarily a sign of pregnancy but if it continues to occur on a daily basis and subside by each afternoon, a pregnancy test should be taken.

2. Spotting

While a menstrual period should not be expected during pregnancy, it is very normal for some light spotting to occur. In fact, spotting is very common. This happens when the embryo is implanted into the uterus wall anywhere from six to eight days after conception.

3. Tender Breasts

With pregnancy accompanies swollen, tender breasts in most women. This symptom typically occurs between one and two weeks after conception and can last for months as your hormones work to balance out.

4. Fatigue

After conception, another one of the first signs of pregnancy is the feeling or tiredness and fatigue throughout the day. This symptom is emphasized if stress or depression is also being experienced. Fatigue can set in as early as the first week of pregnancy.

5. Problems with Backaches

Lower back pain is a common sign of pregnancy, starting with the lower back. The first weeks of pregnancy can come with nagging pain in the lower back, which may turn into a general yet dull pain throughout the entire time of pregnancy.

These first signs of pregnancy can help you to better assess whether taking a home pregnancy test or seeing your doctor for a test are necessary. However, you may be pregnant without experiencing any of the signs and the symptoms are not fool proof signs of pregnancy.

5 Earliest Possible Signs of Pregnancy

Have you been trying to conceive since previous few months? Or are you thinking that a tiny little zygote is already growing within you? Whatever the case is it would be better to have enough information about the earliest possible signs of pregnancy. These 5 earliest possible signs of pregnancy would help you to determine whether you are pregnant. Early detection will help you to seek timely medical advice. This is essential not only for you but also for the tiny life growing within you.

Here you'll find a list of some common and obvious earliest possible signs of pregnancy. Sometimes these signs of pregnancy start to show itself as early as one week of fertilization. Having a look at these is critical for all those who are planning or expecting pregnancy.

Missed period: Most vital and critical sign of pregnancy is missed periods. Yes you are right; sometimes a woman misses her period because of hormonal fluctuations in the body. This hormonal fluctuation may take place because of some kind of stress or some medicines or even because of drastic diet change. If something else other than pregnancy is the case then you must expect to get your periods within 10 days of your expected due date. However if it does not happen then it would be better to go for a pregnancy test.

Light spotting: The tiny zygote who is trying hard to get life within you can be very consistent as well as persistent in his efforts. Though till so far he is microscopic but he has the complete grit for surviving and living within you for the next nine months. It is ready to every thing to make its way towards your endometrial lining. His battle to safely lodge himself on the endometrial wall may result in slight bleeding or spotting; as this is not the regular menstrual bleeding so the color would be different. This generally takes place around the date of your expected period. So it is not very difficult to confuse it with regular bleeding. If your bleeding this month was weird, light and short then it is better to visit the doctor or go for a home pregnancy test.

Dizziness: It is not very unusual for a pregnant women to experience dizzy and fainting spells. Do you know why this happens? The uterus of the pregnant women put an increased pressure on the entire body system. This increased pressure leads to the compression of arteries specifically in legs. The result is steep decline in blood pressure level; the result is fainting or dizziness. This earliest possible pregnancy symptom is temporary but come in sudden spells.

Frequent urination: This is a trademark of pregnancy. Uterus starts to expand soon after conception. The uterus does so to make the room for the new small guest. So if ever you are experiencing an unexplained urge to urinate frequently then it is the right time to think about pregnancy and go for a pregnancy test.

Heartburn: There are few women who experience sever heartburn early in pregnancy. This might be the condition that you have never experienced before. You must be wondering that how pregnancy and heartburn are linked to each other. The pressure to the heart is put by the expanding uterus. Furthermore the increasing level of hCG hormones within the body of the mother hinders the regular process of digestion. This results in stomach acids. These acids in accumulation results in heart burn and acidity.

Do you want to know a 100% natural and effective system with a 99% accuracy rate to confirm pregnancy? If yes then check Early Signs of Pregnancy and find the answer right now.

If the test says that you are not pregnant; even then do not get disappointed as Stages of Pregnancy will give you some wonderful tips and soon you will be knitting the bay booties.

2011年5月26日 星期四

First Signs Of Pregnancy - Don't Ignore and Act Fast

All women know about the first signs of pregnancy, yet they are confusing as one or the other sign cannot be taken as the ultimate confirmation. Women should not ignore any such sign and watch out for other symptoms also, then go in for proper pregnancy test to confirm it.


All of us know that a missed period is an indication of first sign of pregnancy, still it has to be confirmed through other symptoms and tests. This missed period may also be due to other factors like hormonal imbalance, lack of iron rich diet, sudden change in weight, change in climatic conditions etc. Some women have irregular cycle, so it's difficult for them to make out if they have missed a period or if it is just delayed. Another rare but true factor is that some women have regular periods even during the entire nine months, it is very light and different, but it is there. The next thing most woman notice is tenderness or swelling of the breast. This may be a symptom or it may be due to PMS or the taking of birth control pills.

Nausea, commonly called morning sickness, is another sign, experienced by the lot of pregnant women. But this alone cannot be taken as a first sign of pregnancy as nausea may be caused by food-poisoning, eating disorder or other stomach infections. Similar argument goes for constipation and heartburn too.


After noticing the first symptom, women want to confirm it as soon as possible, preferably without the knowledge of anyone else. They can get a home pregnancy test from any pharmacy or even order it online to protect their privacy. If the test is positive, then it is always advisable to see a gynecologist or obstetrician and confirm it by clinical tests. After that the mother to be must start getting pre-natal care to ensure a healthy pregnancy. You must discuss your medical history, hereditary factors, symptoms you are experiencing and medication you take, if any.

You should choose a doctor you are confident about and be very frank with the doctor. Women should not hide or feel shy about asking questions. After all you are responsible for two lives now; you must have all the knowledge and know-how about every aspect of this most important phase of your life. If you are expecting to get pregnant, keep a keen eye on any symptoms you develop and check it out as soon as you experience the first sign of pregnancy. Every action you take now is important for you and your child in the coming months.

Pregnancy is a lovely journey and to ensure it is enjoyable and fruitful, it must begin perfectly. As a mother-to-be, it's your responsibility and privilege to notice the first sign of pregnancy. Never ignore it and get all the advice and care you require for a safe and beautiful journey ahead.

First signs of pregnancy while on one hand signal joy, they also bring with them anxious moments. Before taking a decision based on early pregnancy symptoms or early signs of pregnancy, get an early pregnancy test done for confirmation. For more details about signs of pregnancy and almost everything related to pregnancy and childbirth visit, Pregnancy-Period.Com

Baby Signing For Dummies<sup>?</sup>, Mini Edition

Baby Signing For Dummies<sup>?</sup>, Mini EditionTop signs your baby or toddler should know

Communicate with signing and strengthen your bond

Want to sign with your baby? This guide shows you how to use sign-language gestures to communicate with hearing infants and toddlers. Using baby-specific signing techniques, you'll see how to lessen frustration and crying, as well as teach signs that your baby can use every day.

Jennifer Watson teaches parent-child baby signing classes and heads the Houston Signing Babies Support Group.

Discover how to:

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Price: $0.99

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2011年5月25日 星期三

I Can Sign! (Baby Signs)

I Can Sign! (Baby Signs)This DVD set includes 3 DVDs for babies that teach nineteen signs and feature signing babies and delightful characters who provide multiple examples of each sign for faster learning. Included in Volume 1 are My Bath Time Signs, My Mealtime Signs, and My Getting Dressed Signs. There is also a bonus DVD for parents, which includes an introduction by child development experts and researchers, Dr. Linda Acredolo and Dr. Susan Goodwyn.

Boxed set with 4 DVDs, each approximately 25 minutes long, ages 6 months to 3 years

Price: $39.95

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2011年5月24日 星期二

Am I Pregnant? - 3 Earliest Possible Signs of Pregnancy That Detect Pregnancy Before Missed Periods

Are there any possible signs of pregnancy that can tell woman the answer to "Am I Pregnant" even before missed periods? YES there are! Some women are able to tell the answer of this question the moment the conception takes place, as these women have fair knowledge of earliest possible signs of pregnancy.

Following are three earliest possible signs of pregnancy. These signs enable any woman to identify her pregnancy even before her missed period.

Basal Body Temperature: Most women know that basal body temperature increases during ovulation. But only few know that if the temperature stays elevated after the ovulation is completed then this is one of the earliest possible symptoms of pregnancy. For monitoring basal body temperature one just requires a cheap basal thermometer to detect changes in temperature daily at the same time, preferably in the morning.

Enlarged and Tender Breasts: The hormonal levels start to rise very early in pregnancy. These hormonal levels show different signs and symptoms. Initially the body is not prepared for these hormonal changes. The most obvious change takes place in feeling and shape of breasts. There is a feeling of fullness in breasts few days after conception. This fullness feeling fades away fairly quickly when the body gets accustomed to new hormonal levels.

Fatigue: Lack of energy is another earliest possible sign of pregnancy. Sometimes it becomes difficult to differentiate between pregnancy fatigue and general exhaustion. Health professionals are of the view that fatigue is also related to new hormonal level. It disappears when the body adjusts itself to the increased hormonal level.

Do you want to know a 100% natural and effective system with a 99% accuracy rate to confirm pregnancy? If yes then check Earliest Signs of Pregnancy and find the answer right now.

Early Signs of Pregnancy - Am I Pregnant?

Early signs of pregnancy can leave one confused - most of the time it is a missed period that gets you thinking that you might be pregnant. You start to wonder whether you are pregnant or not? You might be pregnant if you have a regular menstrual cycle and this time you have not got your period.

A pregnant woman also goes to the bathroom more than usual. In fact, frequent urination occurs as early as the six weeks. This sign worsens as your pregnancy progresses. This is mainly due to the increasing pressure on the bladder.

Strong odors make a pregnant woman feel queasy and hence increase their feeling of discomfort. The increasing amounts of estrogen in the system bring this early sign into force. It also differs from woman to woman. You may be a hard core fan of Mocha but now not be able to bear even the smell of it.

Another early sign of pregnancy is that you may start to feel more tired and sleepy. A pregnant woman tends to sleep for longer hours. The feeling of fatigue leaves her lethargic all throughout the day. But the best part is that this symptom does not remain during the entire pregnancy term. There may be a sudden flow of energy once the mother-to-be enters the second trimester.

As an early sign of pregnancy, many women feel that they have bloated and gained a lot of weight. Even though the uterus is still the same size, she may just feel as is she is carrying a lot of weight. Some women may also experience digestion problems. This puffy feel is mainly due the tremendous amount of hormonal changes taking place in the body. Consuming small frequent meals may get you relief.

Last but not the least; a pregnancy test is the surest way to confirm your doubt. You could get a home pregnancy test kit from your local pharmacy when you see an early sign of pregnancy and use it in the privacy of your home. However, even this test may give false results if you are still in the very early days. If the result is negative, and you still don't get your period, you should take the test again, after a week.

What's more, you must know about the other conditions like stress, medication or hormonal problems that prevent you from getting your period. However, if you are pregnant, congrats! Go meet your doctor. You are about to embark on the most wonderful journey of life.

Home pregnancy test is a good option if you are not sure about an early sign of pregnancy.

2011年5月23日 星期一

Conception Tips - Understanding The Fake Signs of Pregnancy

It is advisable to understand the signs of pregnancy. Remember, a symptom of pregnancy cannot promise you being pregnant. So it will be wise not to claim your conception as soon as you feel the earliest sign of pregnancy. It should be attributable to a few other pathological issues.

Make sure you carefully check and seek advice from your family doctor as to whether what you're undergoing is surely a specific symptom of pregnancy or maybe a sign of some other health problems. Even when you look and feel positive it's really a symptom of pregnancy, try to make your pregnancy clearly proved by way of test prior to announcing it to your family or friends.

Any information provided in the following paragraphs will makes easier for you identify fake signs.

Morning Sickness

Morning sickness is considered as most common and clear signs of pregnancy. But the truth is a sick stomach may be resulting from lots of other causes such as indigestion, food poisoning, and various other stomach problems.

Missed Menstrual Period

A missed menstrual period is believed to be a second positive sign of pregnancy. But unfortunately there can be many different reasons behind missing a menstrual period. Primarily, you may possibly not have missed your period at all; perhaps it's only late for one or couple of weeks. Delay in menstrual cycles is quite normal. In addition to this, it is possible to miss a menstrual cycle as a result of excessive emotional stress, breast-feeding, hormone imbalances and many others.

Frequent Urination

The next sign of pregnancy is usually frequent urination. However, it is usually caused by bacterial infections, diabetic issues, and also increased water consumption and so on.

You will also find explanations other than pregnancy for various other signs and symptoms such as breast tenderness, darkening of area around nipples. Hormone imbalances could potentially cause all of these symptoms.

Slight Bleeding

Slight bleeding during due date of menses can also be a sign of pregnancy. But, the situation might also be caused by vaginal bacterial infections, scrapes resulting from sexual intercourse and also change of contraception pill.

Confirming Your Pregnancy

Initially you need to wisely review any symptoms you feel. Make sure you discuss about it with a medical expert. Then, you can proceed to get a pregnancy test to find confirmation. You can try a basic pregnancy test in your own home, which requires dipping a medicated strip directly into urine so that you can identify the level of HCG. Many of these strips can be bought in pharmacies. If you think maybe it unreliable to do the test by yourself, you may get it performed at a health care clinic. They will try the same technique simply because of its great accuracy level.

Managing The Dissatisfaction

Do not be sad if the outcome of test turns out to be negative. Staying focused with your job, counseling, as well as writing articles about pregnancy can be helpful methods to dealing with those situations. Surf the Internet to find web pages that offer information and facts about pregnancy.

Melissa Bell invites you to visit her website to find out more about Ovulation Symptoms and find solution for all of your fertility problem at

2011年5月22日 星期日

Earliest Possible Signs of Pregnancy - Proven Signs of Pregnancy Without a Test!

It is very possible to know and often very easy to detect if a woman is pregnant before she even misses her menstrual cycle. Women who are trying to conceive, and for whom monitoring their basal body temperature is a usual exercise, they may record fluctuations in their basal temperature at or around the time of ovulation. One of the earliest possible signs of pregnancy is when that temperature remains high after ovulation and then remains high when your next period is due.

Learning to monitor and record your basal body temperature is a very important, simple and useful skill that all women should have, especially women who are trying to conceive. This skill does not require any specialized training or tools.

There are many other symptoms which would allow a woman to believe they are showing the earliest signs of pregnancy. Are your breast tender? do they show any signs of enlargement?. Another sign of pregnancy is frequent trips to the bathroom. This increase in frequency is not as a result of the pushing on the bladder, a condition that only happens until the fetus is much larger. The frequent trips to the bathroom is as a result of an increase in hormones, the (HCG) hormones or human chorionic gonadotropin, in the woman's body. This hormone, if present in the urine is one of the very first sign of pregnancy and it is often tested for by 90% of the popular home pregnancy test. Your doctor may also request a lab work where this very same hormone is tested.

A number of women who are showing early signs of pregnancy may experience some level of cramping within the first few weeks of pregnancy. The growing embryo needs a place to fit, and hence the ligaments need to create space for the incoming embryo when it expand to full size. Some woman may or may not feel this pain, but many others during the course of several weeks will experience unusual cramping and tightening of the uterus. This indicates clear evidence of the earliest possible signs of pregnancy.

While there may be several reasons why a woman may experience irregularities in her menstrual cycle, a missed period is a good indicator to suspect pregnancy. It is important to note that stress or changes in exercise routine can also cause a woman to miss here period. If the period is very short or just spotting, then this is also an indicator that pregnancy may be present. However, a missed period should be viewed together with the other conditions mentioned before when determining early signs of pregnancy. If in doubt, then this is a good time to purchase a known reliable home pregnancy test.

Some test are not as reliable and they may be unable to detect the HCG hormone in the urine in the early weeks. At this point, you will be best advise to consult your doctor and share with him the evidence you have which suggest to you that they are the earliest signs of pregnancy. As mentioned before, he may or may not order lab work, which would definitely confirm whether you are pregnant.

When you confirm you pregnancy, celebration may or may not be the next thing to follow, but if it is and if you are a drinker or a smoker, you must not include those in the celebration. Caffeine consumption should also be eliminated. These substance will harm the embryo, and in the long run will stunt its weight growth. If you are one who is not use to eating right, now would be a good time to start.

So you are experiencing the early signs pregnancy. Questions - (1) are you healthy enough to have a baby? (2) Do you know what foods and supplements will negatively affect your health and that of your baby? (3) Do you know what supplements will improve the health of your baby? Find out how you can keep yourself healthy and guarantee yourself a healthy pregnancy term and deliver a healthy baby. Head on over to our site, and learn what natural pregnancy supplements will improve your maternity term, and while there grab our Free report on 9 months of smiles and laughs.

2011年5月21日 星期六

Top 5 Signs of Pregnancy

It is commonly believed that women instinctively know when they are pregnant. That's only part of the truth. The onset of pregnancy is marked by a series of changes in their bodies. Women who are sensitive to these symptoms-especially if they have been pregnant before-correctly interpret them as signs of pregnancy.

# 1. Nausea. Symptoms of nausea are a very common sign of pregnancy. Popularly termed 'morning sickness,' the symptoms may be felt at all times of the day. Many women also develop an intense aversion to certain smells or tastes, of food items for instance, that they liked earlier. Symptoms of nausea may continue to be felt even into the second semester.

# 2. Abdominal bloat. Soon after conception, hormonal changes cause the abdomen to feel distended. Your spouse may complain that her clothes are getting tighter. This pregnancy sign is similar to the feeling of bloat she experiences when she has her periods.

# 3. Tender breasts. If your spouse complains that her breasts pain when you touch them, you may have reason to rejoice. Tenderness or soreness of the breasts is another obvious sign of pregnancy. The pain is similar to, but usually more intense than, what women experience during periods. A related pregnancy symptom is a feeling of fullness in the breasts. The appearance of the breasts may also change with veins becoming visible under the skin.

# 4. Montgomery's tubercules. Somber as the phrase sounds, it simply refers to the wart like projections that form around the areolas-the dark area surrounding the nipples- of the breasts.

# 5. Missed periods. A very likely sign of pregnancy is when your spouse misses a period. The scanty menstrual-like flow that sometimes appears at the time of implantation-around ten days after conception-is not a period, and, in fact, indicates a pregnancy.

The presence of some or all of these signs of pregnancy indicates that your spouse should go in for a pregnancy test.

Paul Banas is a founder of He writes articles on pregnancy care, baby names, toilet training, parenting tips and many more topics related to dads.

2011年5月20日 星期五

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2011年5月19日 星期四

Early Sign Of Pregnancy - Begin A Safe Journey

Pregnancy week by week calendars can help you learn about the early signs of pregnancy. Your pregnancy journal can be a nice record of your pregnancy and your various experiences.

Awareness of early signs of pregnancy or early pregnancy symptoms is vital to ensure proper care of mom-to-be right from the time of conception until the birth of the baby. If you are trying to have a baby, make it a point to observe any change in your body 10 to 12 days after your last period. Any sort of change could be an early sign of pregnancy. Most of the pregnancies are lost during the first few days. Therefore, it is important to recognize the symptoms of conception, confirm it through tests, and follow the medical advice to avoid miscarriages. In fact, a woman requires due care throughout her pregnancy period.

Some Early Signs Of Pregnancy

If you feel nausea in the morning, or smell of foods and beverages like tea, coffee, colas etc. makes you vomit, it could well be signifying conception. Another early signs include missing your periods, brownish or pinkish vaginal discharge prior to or on the due date of menses, and tenderness or swelling in breasts. Tenderness or swelling of breasts can be felt as early as within hours of conception.

The moment you feel any of the above symptoms, you must not waste time in getting yourself examined for confirmation of pregnancy. Once it is confirmed that you are pregnant, you must take due medical advice and begin preparations for the joyous but complicated journey ahead.

Coping With Pregnancy

The thought and experience of carrying a baby in your womb makes you feel unique and complete. Nevertheless, those nine months can sometimes seem to be extremely tiresome and prolonged. The nausea, pain, breathlessness, sleepless nights, there is so much to endure. It is therefore wise to adopt measures to put up with this. One excellent and established means of soothing your mind and body is to keep a pregnancy journal. In this journal, you can document the symptoms, emotions, and anxieties you feel right from the early sign of pregnancy until the time you deliver the baby. You can pen down the pains and joys you go through during the period. Not only does this help you relieve your mind, but also provides reference points for other woman in your circle who might be having babies later.

Keep A Track Of Your Baby's Growth

Medical science generally describes the growth of the baby on weekly basis. Most of the pregnancy calendars and guides provide details of baby's shape, features, and motions during various stages of pregnancy by dividing the total period or term into 40 weeks.

From the early sign of pregnancy until the moment you go into labor, you should try to match your symptoms and baby's movements with those mentioned in the pregnancy week-by-week calendars. If you find anything abnormal in baby's growth, rush to the obstetrician.

An early sign of pregnancy as the name suggests is the early or first indicator of pregnancy. When the pregnancy is confirmed, maintain a pregnancy journal [] to keep track of your pregnancy week by week to enjoy a healthy pregnancy.

2011年5月18日 星期三

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2011年5月17日 星期二

Are You Listening? Your Body is Sending Out an Early Sign of Pregnancy

Being aware of an early sign of pregnancy can help you in more than one way. Once you catch the early signs, you can plan your next nine months well or terminate an unwanted pregnancy. So, here is a low-down on some of the most evident early signals:

Physical And Psychological Signs

A missed period is one of the most easily visible indicators. A lighter flow than usual is also a signal for you to watch out for pregnancy.
Morning sickness, technically known as nausea, is an early sign of pregnancy which is experienced by nearly fifty percent of pregnant women. Although called morning sickness, you might experience it at any time of the day. This can also be accompanied with acute constipation which is a consequence of hormonal changes.
You might also experience pain in the lower back. This is due to factors such as increased weight, change in the alignment of your torso and chemical changes in the body.
Tenderness of the breasts and nipples is one of the physical changes which are easily visible. Moreover, you might also notice that the area around the nipples has become darker within a week of getting pregnant.
If you feel the need to use the washroom more number of times than you normally do, then it might be pregnancy. The kidneys have to work overtime during pregnancy to act upon some extra body fluids being generated in the body.
If you have started feeling tired too often and too soon, then also it is an early sign of pregnancy. This happens due to the hormonal play in the body. However, once the body adjusts to these changes, this automatically vanishes.

Confirming The Early Signs

Once you experience any of those signals, it is time to visit your doctor. But if you still want to confirm on your own before visiting the doctor, you can take a home pregnancy test. It is a small strip which shows colour when urinated upon indicating positive or negative pregnancy.

Your body sends out several signals in the form of early sign of pregnancy, telling you that you are pregnant. Listen to them carefully and plan out the most important phase of your life accordingly. Your health determines the health of the baby. A well balanced diet and plenty of rest are the two operating phrases here. So go ahead and enjoy those nine months and turn them into a memorable experience. Visit pregnancy resources.

2011年5月16日 星期一

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Early Signs Of Pregnancy - How Easy Is It To Tell?

Women can experience early signs of pregnancy right after the first week of conception. The fertilized egg takes about a week to implant itself in the uterus. Once this process of Implantation is over, it is possible to experience very early signs of pregnancy. Many women may not even experience these pregnancy symptoms.

Early Signs Of Pregnancy Vary For Every Woman

While the surest way to know if you are pregnant is a pregnancy test, the top 10 ways that you can suspect a pregnancy can be listed as:

Missing your period: Irregular menstrual cycles can be due to various reasons and illnesses. However, for a woman who usually has regular periods, a missed cycle is the surest symptoms of pregnancy.
Morning sickness: Nausea can start within the first two weeks of conception and can come anytime of the day. It is, therefore, one of the earliest signs of pregnancy even though not all women may experience it.
Food cravings: a new sense of taste may be acquired in a pregnancy. This leads to peculiar intolerances of certain food material along with special cravings for others. It may not be a sure sign of pregnancy but it can be taken as an alert combined with other symptoms.
Fatigue: Feeling exhausted without enough physical work to justify it can be due to high progesterone levels in your body. Hence, it can be seen as an early sign of pregnancy though in isolation it may just be stress.
Mood swings: Due to hormonal changes and chemical reactions, pregnancies can have psychological effects. This symptom is experienced throughout the pregnancy and is not just an early sign of pregnancy.
Cramps and spotting: spotting of a light pink or brown color may be seen during the implantation period or around the dates of the menstrual cycle. This can be caused by the egg burrowing into the endometrial lining.
Swollen abdomen and breasts: During pregnancy these areas can become tender and swollen similar to routine periods or even more so. This subsides once the body is accustomed to the hormonal changes.
Frequent Urination: After the implantation of the embryo it starts producing a hormone called "human chorionic gonadotropin" (hCG). This leads to more frequent urination and can start as early as the second week.
Darker areolas: The area around your nipples tends to get darker during the first few weeks of your pregnancy. This may however be the lingering effect of your previous pregnancy or a hormonal imbalance caused otherwise.
A Feeling: Many women may state that they had a feeling that they were pregnant. They also claim that they had a certain "glow" during the first few weeks.

Most of the early signs of pregnancy could mean various health issues if taken in isolation. However, in combinations, the signs are pretty unmistakably of a pregnancy.

Early signs of pregnancy can give an indication of you being pregnant. However, the only way to know for sure is to take a pregnancy test. Once the pregnancy is confirmed, follow the advice of your doctor regarding health and lifestyle to enjoy a healthy pregnancy and spawn a healthy baby. Visit Early Signs Of Pregnancy for more information on pregnancy and related subjects.

2011年5月15日 星期日

The 6 Signs of Pregnancy - How to Recognise the Early Signs and Symptoms

Expectant mums are usually on tenterhooks, waiting for that first sign of pregnancy. Here are 6 of the most common pregnancy signs, but because we're all different, you may not experience all or the same signs as someone else - which can itself be worrying!

The 6 signs of pregnancy

Increased tiredness and slight breast changes can be signs of pregnancy, but since women can sometimes experience things like these around the time of their period anyway, these more subtle early pregnancy signs can be easy to overlook - unlike the first sign we have on the list...!

1. Missed period

This is of course the most obvious sign of pregnancy; although it might not be the first one you experience, it may be the first one you really notice. If your period is later than normal, it's probably worth taking a pregnancy test. Once you are sure that you are pregnant, tell your GP, who should arrange the next steps in your antenatal care.

2. Changes to your breasts

We all expect boobs to get bigger during pregnancy but some seem to balloon sooner than others! This may be great news for you (and your partner!) if you've had to rely on padding all your life, but bad news if you've already been blessed in this department. Either way, the answer is to go out and get yourself some larger bras - making sure they give you plenty of firm support to reduce the risk of backache.

3. Tiredness

Any mum can tell you how tiring pregnancy can be. Unfortunately, for some women, it can set in right from the start. So if you suddenly notice you're feeling particularly tired for no apparent reason, this may be due to all the pregnancy changes going on in your body.

4. Increased loo stops

Although you'd expect mums-to-be to experience the need to pee more frequently as their bump grows and puts pressure on their bladder, this can also be one of the inconveniences you can experience in early pregnancy! But don't be tempted to cut down on fluids - you should still be drinking about 1.2 litres a day (6-8 glasses).

5. Feeling sick

The dreaded ' morning sickness '! Some women just feel a bit of nausea, others can be physically sick. If you're lucky, you won't get any sickness at all - which can be just as worrying! There are plenty of things you can try to help yourself feel better, including drinking ginger ale and peppermint tea (though not together!), as well as acupressure techniques.

6. Changes in taste

Some mums find they get an odd metallic taste in their mouth or go off their favourite foods. So if you find you don't fancy that huge chocolate fudge cake, you'll know there must be something up!

Whether it's planned or not, finding out you're pregnant can be overwhelming. If you think you're showing signs of pregnancy or have recently found out you're expecting, Cow & Gate has a great team, with midwives and experienced mums, who can give you advice and support. Just give them a call on 08457 623 623 or look on for more information.

2011年5月14日 星期六

5 Initial Signs of Pregnancy

Have you been planning for a baby for a while now? Do you think you might already have a tiny little seed of life in you? Well then, it is time to know what the initial signs of pregnancy are, so you can more or less judge whether or not you might be pregnant at this very moment!

We are listing out below certain very common and obvious signs of pregnancy, which can occur as early as a week into your pregnancy. Take a look at these, so that you understand to differentiate them from other everyday symptoms.

1. Missed period

The most important sign of pregnancy is a missed period. Of course, it could also happen due to some transient hormonal fluctuation in the body or due to some kind of stress. If that is the case, your normal period would occur within the next 10 days of its expected due date. If that does not happen either, then you should think of a possible pregnancy.

2. Light spotting

The zygote trying to get a life within you can be very industrious and persistent in its efforts! Though microscopic yet, it has the sheer grit to survive and live inside you for the next nine months. So it does everything in its power to gnaw its way into your endometrial lining. This fight to lodge itself safely inside you can result in slight spotting or bleeding in you. Remember, this is not your regular menstrual bleeding, so it will also be different in color. This event usually also occurs round about the same time of your expected period. If your bleeding this month has been too light, visit your doctor to ascertain if you are truly pregnant.

3. Dizziness

You might have heard of pregnant women having regular fainting spells, earlier on into their pregnancy. Why does this happen? The increased pressure that the uterus puts on your entire system leads to a compression in the arteries in your legs. This leads to a steep fall in the blood pressure, which gives rise to dizziness and / or fainting. This is temporary and seems to come in sudden spells, when you least expect it!

4. Frequent urination

The uterus starts expanding soon after conception, so as to make space for the little one. This puts pressure on the bladder, making you want to use the washroom more often. If you have been getting an unexplained urge to answer nature's call too often, then you could possibly think of pregnancy.

5. Heartburn

Many women experience severe heartburn early into their pregnancy, a condition that they never ever experienced before. How are heartburn and pregnancy related? Well, the expanding uterus also puts pressure upwards on the heart. Further, the increasing levels of the HCG hormone inside you hamper the normal process of digestion. This gives rise to stomach acids accumulating in you, which in turn give rise to acidity and heartburn.

The above-mentioned signs of pregnancy very closely mimic normal everyday symptoms. If these signs carry on for longer than just a couple of days, you should think of a possible pregnancy and visit your doctor immediately.

Melissa Fox is a health professional very interested in Pregnancy Symptoms [].

She enjoys writing inspirational articles for Real Living.

To learn more about Signs Of Pregnancy please visit

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2011年5月13日 星期五

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2011年5月12日 星期四

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2011年5月11日 星期三

Know the Answer of "Am I Pregnant?" With the Help of Signs of Pregnancy

There are many indicators and signs of pregnancy that can help a woman to tell the answer of "Am I pregnant". A woman can experience only few of these early pregnancy signs. All women are different, even the same woman experiences different pregnancy symptoms in different pregnancies.

Early pregnancy signs begin to appear, the moment fertilized egg implants itself into the uterus. This takes place around 10 days after ovulation. Still some women begin to experience early pregnancy symptoms even before this. The level of progesterone hormone starts to rise soon after implantation.

One of the early pregnancy sign is the elevated temperature. The temperature remains elevated 15 days after the ovulation. Implantation bleeding is normally pink, brown or red in color.

Cramps around lower abdominal area is also an earliest pregnancy sign.

After experiencing these early pregnancy symptoms the best idea is to have a pregnancy test to confirm the pregnancy. It is also recommended that potential mothers-to-be should wait for at least 14 days after ovulating to improve accuracy of pregnancy test.

Blood test carried at the doctor's office is more reliable compared to the home pregnancy test. If any woman after continuously getting a false pregnancy result, still experiences the pregnancy symptom then it is better for her to go for blood test.

The most major indicator of pregnancy is the missed period. If woman misses her period even after 15 days of ovulating; it is a fair indicator that she is pregnant. Another equally common sign is the frequent trips to the rest room. Woman may start to experience morning sickness after 14 days of ovulation. Tenderness in breasts begins normally after 14 days of conception.

Food craving of odd combinations is also another earliest pregnancy symptom.

Hormonal imbalance also triggers mood swings and depression.

All these are fair indicators of pregnancy; however most of these symptoms can be experienced even if the woman is not pregnant. Do you want to know a 100% natural and effective system with a 99% accuracy rate to confirm pregnancy? If yes then check Earliest Signs of Pregnancy and find the answer right now.

2011年5月10日 星期二

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