All women know about the first signs of pregnancy, yet they are confusing as one or the other sign cannot be taken as the ultimate confirmation. Women should not ignore any such sign and watch out for other symptoms also, then go in for proper pregnancy test to confirm it.
All of us know that a missed period is an indication of first sign of pregnancy, still it has to be confirmed through other symptoms and tests. This missed period may also be due to other factors like hormonal imbalance, lack of iron rich diet, sudden change in weight, change in climatic conditions etc. Some women have irregular cycle, so it's difficult for them to make out if they have missed a period or if it is just delayed. Another rare but true factor is that some women have regular periods even during the entire nine months, it is very light and different, but it is there. The next thing most woman notice is tenderness or swelling of the breast. This may be a symptom or it may be due to PMS or the taking of birth control pills.
Nausea, commonly called morning sickness, is another sign, experienced by the lot of pregnant women. But this alone cannot be taken as a first sign of pregnancy as nausea may be caused by food-poisoning, eating disorder or other stomach infections. Similar argument goes for constipation and heartburn too.
After noticing the first symptom, women want to confirm it as soon as possible, preferably without the knowledge of anyone else. They can get a home pregnancy test from any pharmacy or even order it online to protect their privacy. If the test is positive, then it is always advisable to see a gynecologist or obstetrician and confirm it by clinical tests. After that the mother to be must start getting pre-natal care to ensure a healthy pregnancy. You must discuss your medical history, hereditary factors, symptoms you are experiencing and medication you take, if any.
You should choose a doctor you are confident about and be very frank with the doctor. Women should not hide or feel shy about asking questions. After all you are responsible for two lives now; you must have all the knowledge and know-how about every aspect of this most important phase of your life. If you are expecting to get pregnant, keep a keen eye on any symptoms you develop and check it out as soon as you experience the first sign of pregnancy. Every action you take now is important for you and your child in the coming months.
Pregnancy is a lovely journey and to ensure it is enjoyable and fruitful, it must begin perfectly. As a mother-to-be, it's your responsibility and privilege to notice the first sign of pregnancy. Never ignore it and get all the advice and care you require for a safe and beautiful journey ahead.
First signs of pregnancy while on one hand signal joy, they also bring with them anxious moments. Before taking a decision based on early pregnancy symptoms or early signs of pregnancy, get an early pregnancy test done for confirmation. For more details about signs of pregnancy and almost everything related to pregnancy and childbirth visit, Pregnancy-Period.Com