In a significant change to the national influenza vaccine policy family doctors are required to be recalled, pregnant women, which was a swine flu vaccine so that they can also be immunised with the seasonal flu vaccine.
After a meeting of the national immunization Advisory Committee (NIAC) on Monday, Dr. Kevin Kelleher, Assistant National Director of population health to the health service Executive, wrote to GPs, yesterday advising of a change of policy that is applied to all pregnant women and those who have given birth within the last six weeks.
He recommended doctors change was necessary because of the number of influenza b cases seen in recent weeks, there is evidence that influenza b can cause significant morbidity pregnant women ". In the most recent data from the Center for the monitoring of the protection of the health show almost 20% of the confirmed flu cases due to the influenza b virus.
Asked if the hints applied regardless of where pregnant women received the pandemic H1N1 vaccine, Dr. Kelleher said recommendation, applied to all pregnant women who have been relying on past immunization with pandemic vaccine intended for the fight against swine flu.
' Remains even these women who have received only pandemic vaccine before the risk for influenza during the current influenza season. Seasonal influenza vaccine will provide protection against H1N1 and influenza b strains. "
Seasonal flu vaccine is confirmed, you may be given at each stage of pregnancy, NIAC. However, there should be a gap of at least three weeks since the woman received swine flu shot before the seasonal vaccine that can be applied.
Prediction of the element of confusion after the change of patients, Dr. Mel Bates of the Irish College of general practitioners, the HSE said "do not evaluate the level of anxiety about influenza vaccination GPs see throughout the population. However, it is expected that family doctors would have adequate supplies of seasonal flu vaccine to immunise bring targeted groups.
While the experts predicted that correctly influenza (H1N1) 2009 virus, are the main contributing to this winter epidemic, the level of influenza b infection is unexpected. However, in accordance with the annual practice, the World Health Organisation has incorporated a strain of influenza b in seasonal vaccine this year, which coincides with a strain of virus is currently in circulation.
There have been three confirmed deaths in Africa by the flu so far this winter.
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