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2011年2月2日 星期三

To know the answer to "I'm pregnant?" By signs of pregnancy

There are many indicators and pregnancy characters, which can help a woman find the answer to "pregnancy I am." A woman may experience only a few of these pregnancy early signs. All women are different, even for the same woman experience different pregnancy symptoms in different pregnancies.

pregnancy early signs begin to appear, when fertilised eggs Implant in the uterus. This is approximately 10 days after Ovulation. Still some women to start early pregnancy symptoms, even before that. The level of the hormone progesterone will begin soon after the implantation.

One of the top pregnancy character is elevated temperature. The temperature remains elevated 15 days after Ovulation. Implantation bleeding is usually pink, brown or red.

Abdominal cramps around the lower area is also from the earliest sign of pregnancy.

After an Early pregnancy symptoms are best pregnancy research pregnancy to confirm. We also recommend that the mothers-to-be of potential should wait at least 14 days after ovulating to increase the accuracy pregnancy test.

Blood test in the Office of the doctor is more reliable when compared to the test pregnancy origin. If you constantly pregnancy FALSE result, women continue to experience pregnancy symptom then it is better for the blood test.

Most major indicator pregnancy the period is missed. If a woman misses staying even after 15 days the ovulating; It is fair that pregnancy it is. Other equally common sign is the frequent travel to the rest room. The woman may begin to experience the horses in the morning after 14 days Ovulation. Tenderness in breast 's begin normally after 14 days Conception.

Craving food odd combinations is also another pregnancy earliest symptom.

Disorders of hormonal balance also triggers mood swings and depression.

All of these are the indicators just pregnancy; However, most of these symptoms may occur even if the woman is not pregnant. Do you want to know the 100% natural and effective system of 99% to confirm the pregnancy? If so, check for the earliest signs of pregnancy and find the answer now.

