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2011年2月3日 星期四

To use the Ovulation time can get pregnant: Overlooked facts!

Surfing online forums for women issues us says that any woman may lie in one of two different categories. The first is the women who are affected by fertility problems and problems with getting pregnant.

The second category are women who are not interested in any aid for fertility, since they benefit from normal situations or do not wish to receive the babies in the meantime. In all cases is absolutely useful to detect a rough estimate of the time your Ovulation.

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What is Ovulation?

It is the time range when an egg is produced by the ovary, waiting to be grown with sperms from your partner during intercourse.

In the event that you provide the normal health situation, then you must have a regular cycle of 28 days. In this case your Ovulation time is most likely 2 weeks after the start date of your last period.

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What you should consider here?

However, Ovulation is the time of waiting for the start of the next cycle, not last. This usually occurs around 14 days before the beginning of your next period.

So if your cycle is less than 28 days will ovulate before day 14. If it is more than 28 days, you will ovulate later.

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What can be a challenge in this case?

Health experts say that only 40-60% of women have been enjoying regular cycles. So that may not be your case, you have this situation.

As a result, the evaluation of your Ovulation time range will be a little difficult since you don't have a concrete idea of what is the starting date of your next period.

Even worse trying to get pregnant women suffer from is not a guarantee that Ovulation will start exactly from the same place. And so this forces us to look for other methods, which are more accurate.

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And so what are the physical signs of Ovulation?

Physical signs of Ovulation include tender or swollen breasts and some discomfort or pain in the abdomen, as a ' taster ' of pain in the period. They are not very reliable indications of Ovulation, however, because they may have many causes.

Another natural character, which is more useful is the change in the structure of the cervical mucus. Before and during Ovulation, will have more mucus, discharged from a vagina, and it becomes sticky, thick and elasticated.

This type of mucus membranes helps sperm to survive while they wait for the egg to be released from the ovaries.

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For more information:

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