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2010年12月21日 星期二

Pregnancy facts: dealing with the first quarter

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Many women have their minds clouded by different stages of pregnancy myths. It is high time to learn the truth about this crucial phase, called the first trimester of pregnancy.


the first trimester of the pregnancy, children, mother

The text of the article:

The first 0-12 weeks of pregnancy woman is called the first quarter. In this period is that the female body experience drastic changes during pregnancy. Redness and others may be pregnant, or is not experienced during this period and allow you to manage a list of the more common here directly and discomfort changes and how effectively treat with them.

Nausea and nausea lying cause muscles of the uterus and the pressure on the digestive system more children have increased gastric acid, the body reacts to this increase in release by vomiting. Woman in the sense of smell is the hyperdrive during pregnancy. It can also increase irritability, as well as the probability of vomiting.

Joy of this remains for nine months. After the third month of vomiting stops normally. And no worries vomiting bike no child.

Help with nausea, it is not too small food meals often place so that it does stomach hocked. ? Also, studies show that food carbohydrates such as bread, complex and much more, and then a meal and protein can help to mitigate the disease in the morning. Also, avoid eating fatty foods.

Cancer Breast swelling of body, to prepare for the arrival of the child, the progesterone and estrogen levels higher than usual. These hormones sends a message to the chest to produce more milk, is in preparation for feeding a child when it comes.

You can increase the Areolas and darken. Later, you can see that these areas are beginning to have white bumps. It can also be increased in the field of breast tenderness, and you can also meet with blue lines along your breasts. The blue lines are only your hard work of blood vessels to provide blood to your chest.

Swelling may be increased in the second half of pregnancy. in this case, it must use good support bra size is correct.

Breath short and fatigue during pregnancy can cause fatigue and other changes in the emotional female. You need to know that, even when you sleep, your body is food is another life. During pregnancy, it is necessary to learn the rest. Fatigue is normal and should get rid of the body becomes accustomed to it.

If you want to avoid you podráždìn more and more tired than you try to get as much sleep as the night. The ideal length of sleep for adults is eight hours, try to get this much every evening.

Correct nutrition helps also with fatigue after you all e already two people power. One of the other reasons for fatigue is perhaps the lack of vitamins and nutrients, like you. Take vitamins, which recommends a physician and make sure that you eat lots of nutrient-rich foods.

Performance is also a great help. There is no hard performance b, slow walking you can light a scrolling within the meaning of your body practice for further work. But don't forget that the balance of performance and the rest you have too many or too is also increasing fatigue.

Mood swings, due to the presence increased irritability, mood swings and hormones and unusual happens to women per month during the syndrome menstrual pre.

Vertigo in pregnancy is the heart pumping supply additional blood is harder on the legs and uterus, as a woman may experience dizziness due to lack of blood flow in the brain. Low blood sugar levels may also contribute to dizziness. In this case, the best thing to do is to ensure that you eat foods rich in protein and often more small meals.

Frequency of urination in the rapid growth of the uterus presses for more internal organs, belongs to the bladder. Frequency usually decreases when the uterus installs itself into the abdominal cavity. May refer to the third quarter, when the uterus prepare for the birth.

Try before lean printing. This is an empty your bladder completely and can help reduce the frequency of urination.

This is a multiple pregnancy discomforts varicose veins, flavours and of heartburn are all normal. Prepare many early assistance during pregnancy. You must have regular inspections of your doctor, as well as healthy food, vitamins and performance.

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