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2010年12月17日 星期五

There is a risk of pregnancy ultrasound?

Number of words:



No one knows the effects in the long term use of ultrasound. Many doctors believe that technology is absolutely safe, because a study on children and their mothers have no effect. Other experts is not so much convinced on ultrasound security and the feeling that it is reasonable to use.

It fits the spirit that x-rays have been used for 50 years before the public became aware of the detrimental effects. The Alsso and thalidomide was regarded as safe and, later, it was found that b


Ultrasound, pregnancy, baby, child, drugs, birth

The text of the article:

No one knows the effects in the long term use of ultrasound. Many doctors believe that technology is absolutely safe, because a study on children and their mothers have no effect. Other experts is not so much convinced on ultrasound security and the feeling that it is reasonable to use.

It fits the spirit that x-rays have been used for 50 years before the public became aware of the detrimental effects. The Alsso and thalidomide was considered safe and later, found the cause cancer, infertility and perhaps the greatest potential anomalies. excessive use of ultrasound technology is that if the well-being of the fetal ultrasound, raises the question of invasive procedures and high-risk and technologies might be incurred, which have a clear risk to the mother and her child.

The study demonstrates the diagnostic ultrasound b8iological effects, such as cells, heating or thermal effects and activities of cavitational of plants and animals. These attempts were different and the results are difficult to reconcile with results. Diagnostic Ultrasound uses also much less effort. Current epidemiological data finds no negative results of the use of ultrasound. Many researchers believe that the benefits outweigh the risks of diagnostic ultrasound. A study of people have been documented negative results with the exception of one of the study, which increases railway for children more vulnerable parsing with the Doppler fetal activity.

Overuse of technologies have called into question the need for certain groups of consumers, ultrasound equipment in doctor's offices. Claims which will pay the device, the doctors order unnecessary ultrasound. Not only this increase unnecessary technologies exhibition, but also increases total cost of care and may lead to unnecessary and costly additional interventions. Claims which will pay the device, the doctors order unnecessary ultrasound. Not only this increase unnecessary technologies exhibition, but also increases total cost of care and may lead to unnecessary and costly additional interventions.

