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2011年1月10日 星期一

ASK YOUR FAMILY HEALTH TEAM--what are the warning signs when a person with diabetes can have?

The following column is a template from the Amherstburg, Ontario family health team. Amherstburg, Ontario family health team located in seasons Amherstburg on 681 front Road South. Their phone number is 519-736-7770 and your site is

Question: I think my wife diabetes, have than you always thirsty. Are there different types of diabetes and what other warning signs are?

Answer: Many people can have diabetes and don't know it as thirsty as some of the early signs seem the seriously. We recommend your wife talk to your doctor or qualified health professional, as a simple blood test detects if there is excess glucose. Research shows patients at a higher risk of developing diabetes are over 40 years old.

There are three types of diabetes. Type 1 diabetes is on usually diagnosed during childhood and teenage years and delivers if the pancreas to produce insulin. Insulin is a hormone that controls the amount of glucose (sugar) in the blood. The body produces glucose from food you eat to give your body energy, but needs insulin to use it. About 10 percent of people with diabetes have type 1 diabetes. The cause of type 1 diabetes is unknown; However, we know it is unavoidable, and it is not caused by eating too much sugar. Anyone with type 1 diabetes must take insulin.

The remaining 90% have diabetes type 2 that occurs when the pancreas produces enough insulin or when the body cannot effectively use insulin, which produces. Type 2 diabetes developed in adulthood, although more and more children in high-risk populations is diagnosed. People with type 2 diabetes can manage your condition with lifestyle changes like eat healthy and be physically active. Take also oral diabetes medications or insulin.

The third type of diabetes is gestational diabetes and occurs during pregnancy. It is usually a temporary condition. Less than four percent of all pregnancies are complicated by gestational diabetes. Women who have had gestational diabetes are much more likely to type 2 diabetes later in life, to develop as your children.

Some other warning signs are overweight (especially around your middle), parent, brother or sister with diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol or other fats in the blood, giving birth to a baby had gestational diabetes over 4 kg (9 lbs).

Signs that you may diabetes or high blood glucose levels feeling more thirsty include frequent urination, a sudden change in weight, either a profit or loss, lack of energy or tired more than usually, blurred vision, infections are more common or recurring, injuries such as cuts and bruises that are slow to heal, tingling or no feeling in your hands or feet

Remember many people - the diabetes have show none of these symptoms. So don't just watch for signs - know the risk factors. Regular annual laboratory screening can diagnose diabetes before you begin after symptoms. This often happens when your annual physical examination.

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We are only able to answer one or two questions every time, although many more be submitted. Not every question can be answered. Questions are broad interest and value to the public rather be answered. The answers are only educational and informative and can be used in any way to represent a complete analysis or diagnosis.


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