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2011年1月12日 星期三

The test may predict which pregnant women will have a life threatening condition

Eclampsia-refers to one in ten pregnant women that cause high blood pressure and protein in the urine.

Only a small proportion of women's condition will go to develop life-threatening complications, but all should be monitored closely.

Only treatment is to deliver a baby soon, but doctors are finely balancing act to examine women who must occur at the earliest because they are at risk of complications and safe to carry their baby plan.

Now researchers at the University of British Colombia in Canada have found a collection of measures and tests that could predict one in 100 women with pre-eclampsia which will develop fully rolled eclampsia, where the parent may suffer seizures, coma and fall in to die.

The results shall be published in the Lancet medical journal.

Researchers set out the calculation using the data for the parent characteristics, past medical history present symptoms; cardiovascular signs; the results of the kidneys, and liver blood tests; and studies such as fetal heart rate and the estimated weight, fetal assessment.

They tested the calculation of more than 2 000 women with pre-eclampsia, 13% goes to develop complications. No one died.

Calculation, called fullPIERS identified more than three-quarters of women who have subsequently had events such as high risk, whereas only 16% of the population is incorrectly identified as high risk.

Older tests may have been abandoned in the light of these findings and replaced with more simple, saving money for laboratory costs, said the researchers.

With Dr. Peter von Dadelszen, children & family Institute for research, University of British Colombia, ledger: "fullPIERS model identifies women exposed to an increased risk of adverse results up to 7 days before complications arise, and thus modify directly patients (e.g., the schedule of delivery, place of care), improving the design of clinical trials, and inform the biomedical research with pre-eclampsia.

"Although the formation of the model has not been completed, we hope that the planned external validation (by prospective data collection and use of existing international databases) and implementation of fullPIERS will help to reduce the risk of life-ending change life (e.g. stroke) and life-threatening (e.g. eclampsia) complications which make-eclampsia important. "

In view of the accompanying commentary, Dr. Gary Darmstadt, by Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, family Health Division, in Seattle, said: "hypertension in pregnancy and eclampsia-challenge the public in public health because of the need for both the protection of mother and baby and to balance the sometimes competing needs to speed up or slow down at the end of pregnancy.

This study mainly focused on maternal results but also has implications for Neonatal health. Hypertension in pregnancy and pre-eclampsia are conditions which require further cooperation between experts on maternal and Neonatal health.

"We hope that these new knowledge will be translated into effective and immediate action and further adapted and validated for use in countries with low income and middle-according to the Court, thus using its greatest benefit to save the lives of mothers and babies."

View the original article here

